Monday, April 23, 2007

Hart Canyon rendezvous-2007

This year there were ten of us attending the Hart Canyon annual rendezvous: Kelly Boyce,Hank Kayser, Dennis Lenz, Dennis "Science Officer"Palmer,Andy and Mark Weller, David Weidner, Devin and Trenton Atkinson, and me. It was a superb turnout, enough to make a small camp street. I arrived Thursday night with Devin and Trenton with about one hour of sunlight left. Devin immediately got to work with the e-tool to dig out a fire pit. She was the beacon of industry. The ground was rock hard, throwing sparks off the modern shovel but she kept at it anyway, no doubt driven by the prospect of a decent breakfast cooked by Dad the following morning. The others arrived on Friday, and brought some inclement weather with them. Nonetheless, we all had a great time enjoying each others' company, Hank's really bad jokes, various spirits (though not to excess), the occasional fine cigar (some in this bunch have yet to appreciate this delicacy--but no one's perfect)...Mr.Palmer's delightful improvizations with chicken and bayonet (see photos) ...Mark Weller's scratch-built biscuits and cherry pie and the simple sounds of nature and a crackling fire at night.
Saturday night's meal was truly wonderful.

Saturday took us through the shooting walk-through, always a challenge and the source of good natured bantering. Hank out-shot us all, as usual, and Devin (12) shot the flintlock for the first time, hitting 6!..Trenton also shot a 6, placing second in the 'pee-wee' class, and also repeated his feat of hitting two targets with one shot to the axe blade, splitting the .70 caliber musket ball!. Outstanding!

It was a great weekend with good friends and good times.

Here are some photos:

Trenton practices his technique....

Kelly wondering: "who took my beer?"....

Dapper Dennis Lenz...

Don't mess with this young lady...she'll shoot you off your horse!

Dennis Palmer at the ready....

The young marksman...

Chicken a la Bayonet....

At the quick march!!!....Huzzah!!...Give them the bayonet,men!!! (err.....poultry!)


At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was an excelent time, and great to see so many of you there.

Sgt. Mike Morgans Rangers


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