Monday, July 17, 2006

Yorktown 225th

The siege of Yorktown,Virginia of October 1781.

This was the definitive battle of the American War for Independence that launched the new United States on its long path to where it is today. Lord Cornwallis was trapped by the French fleet to the east and the Continental army to the west.

Two years after this American victory, the treaty of Paris was signed, and America began it's journey.

225 years later, the forces of crown and congress assemble once more to commemorate this historic event in a dynamic display of military maneuver on part of the actual battlefield and Endview Plantation nearby. Re-enactors from as far away as France will be attending, swelling the ranks into the low 1000's . Infantry, artillery, and cavalry will be in full force, providing the public and the media with a display not seen since 1981, the year of the bicentennial.

This year, the Delaware's will be in attendance as well. Please use the contact at the upper right of the blog for further information, should you wish to make this historic sojourn into one of the glorious days in American history.

-Airline tickets to Richmond, Baltimore, or DC should be purchased by October 1st.
  • Remember to prepare for weapon transport ahead of time. Also, be aware that airlines are now charging extra for 'special handling' or 'special sizing'. So add as much as $75 each way on top of the airline ticket.

-accommodations in Yorktown proper are likely not to be had at this late date. Nearby Colonial Williamsburg will have many more rooms and variety of facilities to choose from.

-Please contact us for proper uniform and accoutrement requirements. This is a late war scenario, and our impression will adjust accordingly.


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