Wednesday, October 26, 2005


The view from our Founding Father's back he must have loved this place.

...A good time for everyone in the family.

...A Colonial family
..nearly 3000 soldiers attended....

Ft. Ticonderoga...
The Enemy....

What better way to see places than with your friends who have similar interests?....Here are some photos from the 225th anniversary Battles of Saratoga event. We took time to visit Fort Ticonderoga, West Point museum, etc. History lives when you take it out of the flat, dry textbooks!

White Plains, NEW YORK, 2001

Hart Canyon, CA.,April 2005

We also attend a Southern California 1740-1840 era rendezvous.....what's a rendezvous?....a traditional time of meeting and trading after a long hard winter's trapping and hunting. In the 18th/19th centuries, rendezvous' were a way of conducting business, passing along news, etc. before there were malls and phones. These events are a great way for kids to do things that are now politically incorrect and taboo in today's tame public school environment. Musket, rifle, and pistol shooting is not only allowed, but encouraged by responsible adults. Additonally, there are tomahawk throws, archery, even a popular event for women whereby they can legally throw an iron skillet at their husband!...(all in good fun of course)
A young girl preparing breakfast on a brisk morning..


Working with the publick.
Hank Kayser enlightening the oppressed colonials.


The Delaware Line.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


As the website title says, we are an 18th century Revolutionary War Re-enactment unit. We are located in Southern California, and we always welcome new recruits, bearing arms or otherwise. Our aim is to maintain the memory of the struggle for Independence that the common soldier endured so that we may enjoy our freedoms to this day.

We do this by portraying both in image and in deed, the Continental Soldiers of 1776 known as Colonel John Haslet's Company of light infantry, of the Delaware Regiment.

We offer educational programs throughout the Southern California area, whereby the public can witness the camp life and battle tactics of Washington's army. We are not real soldiers, we are living historians, each with our own talents and specialized areas of knowledge. We are not political in any way, other than we do have the occasional affrontery reserved for King George the III.

Families are most welcome to join our group, as there is something to do for everyone. Men, while encouraged to take up arms against the tools of oppression (the British, naturally) are not required to do so. Women, known as 'camp followers, played a vital role in support of the army, and we have numerous women doing various impressions of the period. Children, if over 15 are allowed to bear arms if they wish. We are fully insured and safety oriented in our approach to bringing history to the public.

Please contact Hank Kayser or Marc Atkinson (see email address on this page) should you have any questions about what we do and if you would like to meet with us.

Check back frequently as this site is new, and we will be adding pictures and articles shortly.

Thank you for visiting!